

Customer: European Community – 5th Framework Program
Duration: 2002-2004

The Project

ULTRAWAVES (ULTRA Wideband Audio Video Entertainment System) is an European Project funded by the IST Programme of the 5th Frame Programme (FP5).

The objective is the design and implementation of a test-bed for new applications based on UWB technology, including high quality video and broadband multimedia services. The system will be optimized in terms of thoughput, coverage, performances in-home/in-building, and quality of service.

ULTRAWAVES partecipates to the UWB Cluster, a consortium constituted by the three European research projects which deal with UWB systems (ULTRAWAVES, Whyless.Com, UCAN ).

The main goal of UWB Cluster is to define the IEEE 802.15.3a and ETSI standards, and to provide a basis for future FP6 projects on UWB (e.g., PULSERS)

Radiolabs has presented the measurments campaign of ULTRAWAVES for the characterization of the indoor UWB propagation channel at the UWB Cluster Meeting of June, in Spain.

RadioLabs activities

Within the context of the 10 workpackages (WPs) of the Project, RadioLabs is responsible for WP2, “Communication System Analysis”, and WP3, “Channel and Interference Measurement, Modeling and Simulations”.

The Partners

ULTRAWAVES is managed by a consortium of 7 international Partners, from both Universities and Companies:

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S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

Radiolabs è partner di S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link Edge, Cyber telecommunication – il nuovo progetto selezionato da EUSPA per favorire le potenzialità derivanti dall’ibridazione di reti di comunicazione terrestri e satellitari per applicazioni ferroviarie critiche. Il progetto –

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Origine finanziamento: Cyber 4.0 Durata:  Giugno 2022 – Maggio 2024 Il progetto SHINE-ON (Secured HIgh accuracy localizatioN Equipment for autO motive applicatioNs) intende sviluppare una centralina (ECU, Electronic Controller Unit) innovativa che consenta di aumentare l’accuratezza della localizzazione del veicolo, fondamentale per

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Origine finanziamento: EUSPA Durata:  Giugno 2021 – Dicembre 2023 L’obiettivo del progetto GALITS (GAlileo Localization In Train Signalling) è quello di sviluppare un ricevitore e un’antenna GNSS innovativi e personalizzabili, adatti per applicazioni ferroviarie legate alla sicurezza. Questo progetto, ottimizzato per offrire

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