
Pulsers Phase 2

Customer: European Community – 6th Framework Program
Duration: 2006-2008

The Project

PULSERS (Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio SystemsPHASE 2 is a European Project funded by the IST Programme of the 6th Frame Programme (FP6).
The main objective of the European Integrated Project pulsers PHASE 2 is to continue the exploration of the technology for broadband radio communcation, in terms of introduction of new telecommunications services, applications and devices. The application of UWB technology to solve the problems of daily life will allow industries to benefit from the creation of new market segments which, although different, are based on UWB radio platforms that are scalable in complexity, cost, data rate, accuracy in localizing, etc., and therefore adaptable to any kind of implementation.
PULSERS PHASE 2 follows the activities of the integrated European Project PULSERS. It stems from an initiative of 38 partners led by the main micro-electronic industries in Europe, whic also includes numerous academic institutions, together with small and medium enterprises. The results obtained in the previous phase of the projectPULSERS represent the starting point for the activities of this new project, whose main objective will regard the development and integration of all key technologies already studied in PULSERS. Achieving the goals will lead to the creation of six hardware platforms, each of which will allow testing on field of the functionality for the typical short-range communications, and/or the verification of the possibility of locating and tracking technology offered by UWB.
In PULSERS PHASE 2 activities for research and study on the next generation UWB systems, which will use multiple antennas, will be performed. These activities will be used for distributed low-bit rate transmission (LDR), dedicated to applications regarding sensor networks for remote monitoring, location and tracking. Applications and services with very high bit rate (VHDR) will also be studied. Another aim of the project consists in participating at the activities of regulation and standardization of UWB technology in Europe and the world, through participation in working groups IEEE 802.15, CEPT ECC TG3, ITU TG 1/8 and ETSI TG31a.

Radiolabs activities

Within the context of the PULSERS PHASE 2 Project, Radiolabs will deal with the following topics:

  • techniques for medium access and UWB devices networking. Specifically, this activity deals with the study and the planning of routing strategies, as well as with the access for sensor networks and the adaptation of algorithms for locating and tracking in UWB systems (WP3B);
  • study, implementation and validation of MAC algorithms for BAN networks, based on UWB (WP3C);
  • interoperability between a UMTS mobile phone incorporating a WLAN and UWB systems. Specifically, this activity deals with the study of the system’s aspects related to this kind of integrated devices, the development of a UWB test board for PC, and the implementation of a MAC able to ensure the interoperability between the two protocols (WP4);
  • regulation and standardization (WP6);

The Partners

PULSERS PHASE 2 is managed by a consortium comprising 38 international Partners, among which RadioLabs is considered, of different nationalities:

  • Italy
  • France
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Germany
  • Singapore
  • Greece
  • Russia
  • Netherlands
  • Finland
  • Israel

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