
IGAW 2016 – International GNSS Advances Workshop

The IGAW 2016 (International GNSS Advances Workshop) is an event dedicated to the study of the evolution of satellite navigation technology in light of the opportunities opened by the availability of multiple constellations (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, Beidou).

A highly prized scientific initiative, the Workshop aimed to examine on the basis of current knowledge and the future prospects of GNSS technology development and applications and is opened to public institutions, private companies, research centres and Universities.

In its third edition, the Workshop was placed in Rome on January 21st and 22nd, 2016 and was organised and hosted by Sogei.

The Workshop is attended by highly-respected representatives of academia, the industrial sector and public institutions, who was engaged in-depth in the following areas:

State of the art of GNSS technology,
Multi-constellation systems and interoperability,
Ubiquitous PNT and SDR,
Anti-spoofing and Authentication,
International Cooperations on GNSS applications developments,
High Precision and High integrity,
Augmentation and relevant applications: the Rail case.

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