The new frontiers for the info-mobility in the art-cities: MOTUS project successfully completed

On October 28th in Milan a workshop “MOTUS, Mobility and Tourism in Urban Scenarios: The new frontiers for the info-mobility in the art-cities took place in the frame of the CityTech, event to present the results of the MOTUS project and some of the applications developed.

The MOTUS platform, conceived to deliver specific services for the management of the urban mobility, can improve the modal shift of the citizens and turists in the urban area and the quality of the life particularly in the art-cities and turist crowded areas.

MOTUS, co-financed by the Minister of Economical Development in the frame of the Industry 2015 programme ( sustainable mobility – system innovation DM 19 march 2008) paves the way for further developments in the frame of the Smart Cities applications.

The system consists of different modules customised to the urban needs:

  • MOTUS BLU – Subsystem for the mobility management;
  • MOTUS LILLA – Subsystem for the info-mobility services on the mobile network;
  • MOTUS GIALLO – Subsystem for the services to the turists;
  • MOTUS ARANCIONE – Subsystem for the services to the citizens;
  • MOTUS ROSSO – Subsystem to overcome eventual malfunctions of the local transport network;
  • MOTUS VERDE – Subsystem for the eco-mobility services.

RadioLabs has actively contributed to the validation of the MOTUS project during the preparation and execution of the field tests in Milan, Roma and in Tuscany and Piedmont.

The MOTUS consortium has been coordinated by Telecom Italia with the contribution of Universities, Research Centers and Industries such as: RadioLabs, CBT, Create-Net, Cooperativa EDP La Traccia, HabItrech, ISTI-CNR, ITS Lab, Magneti Marelli, Università Cà Foscari, Università di Pisa, Università di Trento, Segesta, Politecnico di Milano, SAI, Krupter, Liberologico.

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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