Resolution of European Parliament set GNSS a priority for the ERTMS

Brussels, July 7th 2021

Radiolabs welcomes the new Resolution adopted by the European Parliament on July, 7th 2021 that at art.34 “Points out the need to ensure synergies between the ERTMS and the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) as soon as possible, especially since GNSS signal availability relies on virtual balises, which would be less costly to deploy and to maintain, since it would speed up the ERTMS roll-out and since it would enhance the competitiveness of the ERTMS outside the EU”

Radiolabs that has pioneered since 2011 R&D projects as elements of a roadmap with ESA, EUSPA, and Shift2Rail to develop and test GNSS technologies for the ERTMS, is currently involved in further innovative projects, such as VOLIERA, GALITS, RailGap, HELMET, and RX4RAIL aiming at introducing step-change technologies to enhancing the synergies between ERTMS and GNSS and to exploiting the potential contributions coming from the automotive applications on the edge of  Radiolabs research.

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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