Radiolabs partner of the HD Motion project

HD-MOTION  (HUB for the Digital Mobility Transformation) is part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) one-stop shops set up to support companies in responding to digital challenges and becoming more competitive.  HD-Motion has the ambition to make a great technological leap forward, giving a rapid acceleration to the development of enabling technological solutions for the digitization of sustainable mobility and transport services. SMEs will be among the end users of the Hub, together with the Public Administration and Public Transport organisations through the virtuous collaboration of academia, industry and the entire innovation with the creation of networks of companies and innovation hubs in the sectors of vehicle production, digital infrastructures and Digital Transportation Systems. Training and the development of new skills will be one of the services to respond to the increasing demand of specialised resources for the transport sector.

Radiolabs will contribute to the mission of HD-Motion with its competences and laboratories in the vehicle’s Positioning with high integrity-accuracy, 5G-6G multi-bearer Communications, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence for the automation of Rail, Smart Roads including Berthing in the port. Training sessions, mentoring and testing activities will be provided with the Center of Excellence EMERGE of the University of l’Aquila and the P-CAR Laboratory in the Technopole of Abruzzo.

European Digital Innovation Hubs | Shaping Europe’s digital future (

RadioLabs – P-CAR – ESA-backed autonomous driving lab set for Italy

ExEmerge – Excellence Emerge


Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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