Radiolabs on the cybersecurity for the connected cars

The Cybersecurity Competence Center – Cyber 4.0 ( – the association set up by public and private bodies to manage the highly specialized Competence Center – has selected the SHINE-ON (Secured HIgh accuracy localizatioN Equipment for autO motive applicatioNs) project following a call for tenders. competitive race.
The SHINE-ON project – coordinated by Radiolabs, involves Drivesec (PMI) as a partner to create and test an innovative ECU-Electronic Controller Unit designed to increase the accuracy of localization of the connected-driving vehicle and the safety levels established by the new standard of cybersecurity ISO / SAE DIS 21434. With SHINE-ON, the integration of the GNSS receiver (Global Navigation Satellite System) with the “GNSS Augmentation” module secured by the Crypto Engine will be implemented to safely manage communications with the vehicle’s non-GNSS sensors and of the Secure Gateway which is part of the EMERGE project.
Of particular importance is the management of validation tests in the field on operational scenarios for which the innovative IOTCY validation platform of Drivesec will be used for the verification of cyber requirements with remote access to the systems to be tested. This peculiarity is fundamental to simplify logistics, times, and costs – and is in line with the geo-distributed validation objectives of the P-CAR laboratory that Radiolabs is carrying out (Link). The new Ducato Stellantis vehicle equipped with the new platforms for connected driving developed as part of the EMERGE program will be used for the test phase (Link).
The methodology and design criteria, as well as the implementation of the SGAM ECU, will comply with the achievement of the certification “phase objectives” according to ISO / SAE DIS 21434.
SHINE-ON represents an absolute novelty in terms of safety, integrity, and accuracy of multi-sensor platforms for vehicle localization, but also for communications between vehicles and the technological infrastructure (smart-roads), paving the way for future homologation from the point of view of cyber security with innovative and efficient techniques.
Both Radiolabs and Drivesec are members of the National Transport Cluster (

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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