Radiolabs involved in the connected car innovation plan

L’Aquila, 30 May 2017

Geo-localization, Connectivity and Security are the core innovations that Radiolabs will be developing at its laboratory in the University of l’Aquila for the recently announced Center of Excellence dedicated to the connected car.  Researchers will exploit the potentials of two enabling technologies for “connected vehicle” , namely GALILEO for accurate geo-localization of vehicles and 5G communications for advanced connectivity, being l’Aquila one of the 5 cities experimenting this novel networking technologies . The Test bed located in l’Aquila –first example in Europe for an urban scenario with GALILEO and 5G – will be supporting the validation of the connected car in real operational conditions.  Prof. Paola Inverardi – Rector of l’Aquila University and Vice Chairman of Radiolabs – has declared “ this initiative culminating after two years of intense collaboration with Regione Abruzzo, FCA-CRF and the Automotive Cluster has the ambition to create in l’Aquila a Center of Excellence that in the near future can be a reference also in Europe by leveraging on the fruitful scientific collaborations established by Radiolabs with important international research centers in this field”.,-l-avvio-della-sperimentazione-del-5g-giacomelli-città-sarà-riferimento-di-operatori-e-aziende-che-intendono-scommettere-su-tecnologia-che-rivoluzionerà-le-nostre-vite.html

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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