Home > Publications
Angel Luis Zuriarrain Sosa, Valeria Ioannucci, Marco Pratesi, Roberto Alesii, Carlo Albanese, Francesco Valentini, Elena Cinque, Alessio Martinelli 2 and Michele Brizzi, “OBU for Accurate Navigation through Sensor Fusion in the Framework of the EMERGE Project” May 2024 Applied Sciences 14(11) DOI: 10.3390/app14114401 Link
Ales Filip, Francesco Rispoli, “Continuity of GNSS as a critical attribute for safety applications in land transport” May 2024 Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61937-z Link
Neri, F. Pascucci, M. Brizzi, F. Rispoli, A. Ruggeri, C. Cervicato, “Use of a GNSS Digital Beamforming Platform for an Assisted Berthing System,” ION Pacific PNT 2024, April 2024;
M. Brizzi, A. Neri, “A Virtual Track Velocity Constraint for Integrity Enhancement in Automated Driving Systems,” ION Pacific PNT 2024, April 2024;
Crespillo O.G., Kliman A., Neri A., Vennarini A., Ruggeri A., Marais J., Arroyo J., Ramírez M.-E., Emmanuele G., Sabina S.
“GNSS, IMU, camera and LIDAR technology characterization for railway ground truth and digital map generation”, (2023)
Transportation Research Procedia, 72, pp. 1029 – 1036
M. Brizzi and A. Neri, “Multi-ride Fusion for Rail Digital Map Construction,” 2023 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 740-747;
S. Baldoni, F. Battisti, M. Carli and A. Neri, “A context-based framework for enhancing GNSS performance and security,” 2023 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), Monterey, CA, USA, 2023, pp. 729-739;
A. Vizzarri, R. Capua, A. Vennarini, A. Persia and A. Neri, “The HELMET project: the business perspective,” 2023 AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE), Modena, Italy, 2023, pp. 1-6;
Brizzi, Michele, D’Orazio, Francesca, Neri, Alessandro, “Rail Digital Map Construction on GNSS Denied Areas,” Proceedings of the 2023 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, January 2023, pp. 1143-1153;
M. Brizzi, S. Chiocchio, A. Persia, A. Neri, “
On the Performance of a Cascade of Barriers of Multipath Feared Events for High Accuracy High Integrity Train Positioning
,”Proceedings of the 2023 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, January 2023, pp. 454-468;
Filip, A., Capua, R., Neri, A. and Rispoli, F.
“Derivation of harmonised high-level safety requirements for self-driving cars using railway experience“,
Springer Nature – Scientific Reports;
F. Valentini, E. Cinque, V. Sulli, F. Rispoli, M. Pratesi, F. Santucci, A. Neri,
“On the Validation of Multi-sensor High Integrity Positioning solutions for the Connected Car: The P-CAR Infrastructure,”
Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, January 2022, pp. 1358-1370;
Emmanuele, Giusy and Ciaffi, Massimiliano and Garcia Crespillo, Omar and Neri, Alessandro and Vennarini, Alessia and Marais, Juliette and Herranz de Andres, Susana and Iglesias Diaz, Jorge Ignacio and Molina Marinas, Daniel and Campo, Ricardo and Aguila, Antonio and Martinez Acevedo, Jose Conrado and Senesi, Fabio and Sabina, Salvatore (2022) “User Needs for the Development of New Methodologies and R&D Tools for Building a Railway Digital Map and for the Experimental Performance Evaluation of On-Board Subsystems” World Congress on Railway Research (WCRR), Birmingham (In Press);
Sara Baldoni, Federica Battisti, Michele Brizzi, Giusy Emmanuele, Alessandro Neri, Luca Pallotta, Agostino Ruggeri, Alessia Vennarini “On the Design of High Accuracy Rail Digital Maps based on Sensor Fusion” Proceedings of the 2022 International Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Long Beach, California, January 2022, pp. 1420-1431;
Rispoli, Francesco, Vennarini, Alessia, Vizzarri, Alessandro, Capua, Roberto, Neri, Alessandro, Pullen, Sam,
“On the GNSS Augmentation Services for the ERTMS Train Control and Connected Car Applications: Technical Synergies and Opportunities,”
Proceedings of the 35th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2022), Denver, Colorado, September 2022, pp. 1514-1528;
Filip, A., University of Pardubice, Czech Republic, Capua, R., Sogei S.p.A, Italy; Neri, A., RadioLabs, Italy; Salvatori, P., RadioLabs, Italy,
“Clarification of Discrepancies in the Classification of 1oo2 and 2oo2 Architectures Used for Safety Integrity in Land Transport“,
E-proceedings of the 31st European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2021);
“ERTMS/ETCS APPLICATIONS BASED ON GNSS POSITIONING TECHNOLOGY” Railway Infrastructure Classification – Ed. CIFI – The Professional Technique – No. 1/January 2021;
Alessandro Neri, Roma TRE University, RADIOLABS, Italy; Roberto Capua, SOGEI, Italy; Aleš Filip, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic; Agostino Ruggeri, RADIOLABS, Italy “Integrity Bounds for Rail and Road Applications Based on Local Hazard Maps“, ION GNSS+ 2021,
Baldoni, Sara, Roma TRE University, Italy; Battisti, Federica, University of Padova, Italy; NERI, Alessandro, Roma TRE University, RADIOLABS, Italy, “On the Use of Differential Correction Clustering for Facing Spoofing Attacks to GNSS Augmentation Networks” in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 219903-219922, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3042469;
Alessia Vennarini, Andrea Coluccia, Daniel Gerbeth, Omar Garcia Crespillo, Alessandro Neri, “Detection of GNSS Interference in Safety Critical Railway Applications using Commercial Receivers“, Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020), September 2020, pp. 1476-1489;
Elena Cinque, Francesco Valentini, Arianna Persia, Sandro Chiocchio, Fortunato Santucci, Marco Pratesi, “V2X Communication Technologies and Service Requirements for Connected and Autonomous Driving”, AEIT AUTOMOTIVE 2020;
Alessandro Neri, Agostino Ruggeri, Alessia Vennarini, Andrea Coluccia, “Machine Learning for GNSS Performance Analysis and Environment Characterization in Rail Domain” Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation (ION GNSS+ 2020), September 2020, pp. 3561-3566;
Daniel Gerbeth, Omar Garcia Crespillo, Fabio Pognante, Alessia Vennarini, Andrea Coluccia, “Framework to Classify Railway Track Areas According to Local GNSS Threats“, 2020 European Navigation Conference (ENC), Dresden, Germany, 2020, pp. 1-11;
Cosimo Stallo, Alessandro Neri, Pietro Salvatori, Francesco Rispoli, Olivier Desenfans, Juliette Marais, Antonio Águila, Beatriz Sierra, Ricardo Campo, Daniel Molin, Susana Herranz, Xavier Leblan, Giuseppe Rotondo, “Geo-Distributed Simulation and Verification Infrastructure for safe train Galileo-based positioning” has been accepted for oral presentation at European Navigation Conference 2020 (ENC 2020) Dresden, 2020;
M. Berbineau, J. Moreno, S. Kharbech, Y. Yan, A. Vizzari, R. Torrego, J. Soler, L. Clavier, R. Kassi, F. Mazzenga, R. Giuliano, V. Iñaki, C. Gransart, V. Deniau, Y. Cocheril, K. Svensson, “Emulation of various radio access technologies for zero on site testing in the railway domain – The Emulradio4rail platforms”, Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, Helsinki, Finland, 27 – 30 April 2020;
Cosimo Stallo, Pietro Salvatori, Andrea Coluccia, Alessandro Neri, Francesco Rispoli, Massimiliano Ciaffi, “GNSS Anti-jam RF-to-RF On Board Unit for ERTMS Train Control” has been accepted for oral presentation at ION ITM 2020 – Session A5: GNSS and Security: Jamming and Spoofing;
M. Ciaffi, J. Marais, G. Emmanuele, O. Garcia Crespillo, A. Coluccia, A. Vennarini, S. Sabina, S. A. Kazim, D. Gerbeth, M. Caamano, A. Neri, E. Razzano, F. Senesi, “Classification of Railway tracks for applying enhanced ERTMS/ETCS Solutions Based on GNSS positioning technologies”, WCRR 2019, Tokyo, oct.;
Stallo, Cosimo, Salvatori, Pietro, Coluccia, Andrea, Capozzi, Massimo, Gamba, Giovanni, Cianca, Ernestina, Rossi, Tommaso, Di Domenico, Simone, Neri, Alessandro, Rispoli, Francesco, Ciaffi, Massimiliano, “Intelligent Antennas for Mitigating GNSS Jamming & Spoofing Hazards on the ERTMS Train Control,” Proceedings of the ION 2019 Pacific PNT Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2019;
Pietro Salvatori, Cosimo Stallo, Andrea Coluccia, RadioLabs, Italy; Sam Pullen, Sherman Lo, Stanford University, Alessandro Neri, Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy, “An Augmentation and Integrity Monitoring Network for Railway and Automotive Transportation”, ION ITM 2019, January 2019;
Cosimo Stallo, Member IEEE, Alessandro Neri, Pietro Salvatori, Roberto Capua, Francesco Rispoli “GNSS Integrity Monitoring for Rail Applications: 2-Tiers method”, IEEE IEEE AESS Transaction, October 2018;
Omar Garcia Crespillo, Andriy Konovaltsev, Juliette Marais, Salvatore Sabina, Alessia Vennarini, Andrea Coluccia, Alessandro Neri, Antonio Aguila, Elena Razzano, Francesco Ranauro, Massimiliano Ciaffi, “Local GNSS Threat Detection Methods for Virtual Balise Placement in Railway Applications“, 2018 16th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems Telecommunications (ITST), Lisboa, Portugal, 2018, pp. 1-7;
Pietro Salvatori, Cosimo Stallo, Sam Pullen, Sherman Lo, Per K. Enge, “Use of SBAS corrections with local-area monitoring for railway guidance and control applications, Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS)“, 2018 IEEE/ION, 1379-1387 ;
Sandro Chiocchio, Cosimo Stallo, Arianna Persia, Pietro Salvatori, Maurizio Salvitti, Elena Cinque, Francesco Valentini, Marco Pratesi, Fortunato Santucci, Francesco Rispoli, Alessandro Neri, “A Comprehensive Framework for Next Generation of Cooperative ITSs“, IEEE RTSI 2018, Palermo, 10-13 September 2018;
Roberto Capua, Cosimo Stallo, Giorgia Olivieri, Luca Gattuso, Marco Giangolini, Pietro Salvatori, Alessandro Neri, Francesco Rispoli “Spoofing Impact on GNSS Integrity in the Transport Context: A Tool for the Performance Analysis“, IEEE RTSI 2018, Palermo, 10-13 September 2018;
Pietro Salvatori, Cosimo Stallo, Andrea Coluccia, Francesco Rispoli, Alessandro Neri “An Integrity Monitoring Algorithm Design based on Code Double Differences for Rail GNSS Augmentation Network“, IEEE RTSI 2018, Palermo, 10-13 September 2018;
Alessandro Neri, Roberto Capua, Pietro Salvatori, “Track constrained RTK like positioning for railway applications”, NAVIGATION, Journal of The Institute of Navigation;
Pietro Salvatori, RadioLabs, Italy Cosimo Stallo, RadioLabs, Italy Andrea Coluccia, RadioLabs, Italy Francesco Rispoli, Ansaldo STS, Italy Alessandro Neri, Università degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy, “Differential GNSS and double difference approaches comparison for high integrity railway Location Determination System MetroAerospace” 2018, Rome, 20-22 June 2018;
Francesco Rispoli, Alessandro Neri, Cosimo Stallo, Pietro Salvatori, and Fortunato Santucci, “Synergies for trains and cars automation in the era of virtual networking”, Journal of transportation technologies (JTTs), Special Session on Automated Autonomous Vehicles: Technology Trends and Impacts on Society, Vo. 3, N.8, May 2018;
Cosimo Stallo, Alessandro Neri, Pietro Salvatori, Andrea Coluccia, Roberto Capua, Giorgia Olivieri, Luca Gattuso, Lukasz Bonenberg, Terry Moore, “GNSS-based Location Determination System Architecture for Railway Performance Assessment in presence of local effects”, IEEE ION PLANS 2018 Conference, April 23-26, 2018, Monterey, USA;
Pietro Salvatori, Cosimo Stallo from Radiolabs, Sam Pullen, Sherman Lo, and Per Enge from Stanford University, “Use of SBAS Corrections with Local-Area Monitoring for Railway Guidance and Control Applications”, IEEE ION PLANS 2018 Conference, April 23-26, 2018, Monterey, California.
F. Battisti; M. Carli; F. Pascucci; A, Neri et Al. “Integrated Protection of Industrial Control Systems from Cyber-attacks: the ATENA Approach”, international journal of critical infrastructure protection;
S. Lo, S. Pullen, J. Blanch, Per Enge, Stanford University; Alessandro Neri, V. Palma, M. Salvitti, C. Stallo, RadioLabs, “Projected Performance of a Baseline High Integrity GNSS Railway Architecture under Nominal and Faulted Conditions”, ION GNSS+ 2017, Portland, OR, USA;
A. Neri, A. Coluccia, E. De Marinis, C. Facchinetti, P. Madonna, M. Mascolo, F. Pascucci, P. Salvatori, L. Sfarzo, A. Tuozzi, “Railways Augmented Multisensor Positioning System” , ION GNSS+ 2017, Portland, OR, USA;
A. Neri, C. Stallo, A. Coluccia, V. Palma, P. Salvatori, A. Vennarini, Radiolabs; O. Pozzobon, G. Gamba, S. Fantinato, Qascom; M. Barbuto, A. Monti, University “Niccolò Cusano; F. Bilotti, A Toscano, ROMA TRE University; Francesco Rispoli, Ansaldo STS; M. Ciaffi, RFI – “An Anti-jamming and Anti-spoofing Digital Beamforming Platform for the GNSS-based ERTMS Train Control System“, ION GNSS+ 2017, Portland, OR, USA;
Y. Liu; A. Neri; A. Ruggeri; A. M. Vegni, “A MPTCP-Based Network Architecture for Intelligent Train Control and Traffic Management Operations” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume: 18, Issue: 9, Page(s): 2290 – 2302, Sept. 2017;
Giuliano Romeo, Mazzenga Franco, Neri Alessandro, Vegni Anna Maria ”Security Access Protocols in IoT Capillary Networks”. IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, p. 1, Volume: 4, Issue: 3, Page(s): 645 – 657, June 2017;
A. Neri, G. Fontana, S. Sabina, F. Rispoli, R. Capua, G. Olivieri, F. Fritella, A. Coluccia, V. Palma, C. Stallo, A. Vennarini, “High Integrity Multiconstellation Positioning in ERTMS on SATELLITE – Enabling Application Validation”, ION 2017 Pacific PNT, Honolulu, Hawaii;
P Salvatori, A Neri, C Stallo, F Rispoli, “A multiple satellite fault detection approach for railway environment”, ITS Telecommunications (ITST), 2017 15th International Conference on, pages 1-5, 29-31 May, 2017, Warsaw, Poland;
F. Mazzenga; R. Giuliano; A. Neri; F. Rispoli, “Integrated Public Mobile Radio Networks/Satellite for Future Railway Communications” in IEEE Wireless Communications, Page(s): 90 – 97, Volume: 24, Issue: 2, April 2017;
A. Neri, V. Palma, F. Rispoli, S. Pullen, S. Zhang, S. Lo, P. Enge, “A Method for Multipath Detection and Mitigation in Railway Control Applications“, ION GNSS+ 2016, Portland, OR, U.S.A
A. Neri, S. Sabina, R. Capua, P. Salvatori, “Track Constrained RTK for Railway Applications“, ION GNSS+ 2016, Portland, OR, U.S.A
M. Bonomi, M. Barreda-Angeles, F. Battisti, G. Boato, P. Le Callet, M. Carli, “Towards qoe estimation of 3D contents through non-invasive methods” 3DTV-Conference: The True Vision-Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D Video (3DTV-CON) 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/3DTV.2016.7548883
F.Battisti, D. Kukolj, P. Le Callet, M. Carli, “Free viewpoint video quality assessment based on morphological multiscale metrics”, Proc. Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2016 , DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/QoMEX.2016.7498949
P.Paudyal, R. Olsson, M. Sjöström, F. Battisti, M. Carli, “SMART: a light field image quality dataset”, Proc. ACM 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems, 2016, DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2910017.2910623
P.Paudyal, Y. Liu, F. Battisti, M. Carli, “Video Quality of Experience metric for streaming services”, Proc . of Electronic Imaging, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIV, 2016 (15), DOI https://doi.org/10.2352/ISSN.2470-1173.2016.15.IPAS-197
P.Paudyal, F. Battisti, M. Carli, “Impact of video content and transmission impairments on quality of experience”, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2016, 1-25, DOI:10.1007/s11042-015-3214-0
S. Chiocchio, A. Persia, F. Santucci, V. Di Claudio, D. Di Grande, P. Giugliano and G. Guidotti, “A Cloud-based heterogeneous wireless platform for monitoring and management of freight trains”, in Proc. of IEEE ICUMT 2016, Lisbon, 18-20 Oct. 2016. numero
A. Iovine, F. Valentini, E. De Santis, M.D. Di Benedetto, M. Pratesi, “Safe human-inspired mesoscopic hybrid automaton for autonomous vehicles“, IFAC Journal on Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, In Press (Available online 4 October 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nahs.2016.08.008)
F. Vatalaro, F. Mazzenga, R. Giuliano, “Sub-Band Vectoring: A Proposal to Speed-up Fast Ultra-broadband Coverage in Europe while Promoting Fair Infrastructure Competition”, International Workshop on Fiber Optics in Access Network (FOAN 2016), Oct. 2016, Lisbon, Portugal, – collocated with International Congress on Ultra modern Telecommunication and Control Systems (ICUMT)
F. Valentini, E. Cinque, M. Pratesi, “An Efficient Routing Strategy for Performance Improvement in WMNs“, in Proc. of IEEE PIMRC 2016, Valencia, 4-7 Sept. 2016. numero
F. Vatalaro, F. Mazzenga, R. Giuliano, “The Sub-band Vectoring Technique for Multi-Operator Environments”, IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 4, Jun. 2016, p. 3310-3321.
R. Alesii, P. Di Marco, F. Santucci, P. Savazzi, R. Valentini, and A. Vizziello, “Backscattering UWB/UHF hybrid solutions for Multi-Reader Multi-Tag passive RFID Systems“, EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2016, 10, DOI: 10.1186/s13639-016-0031-0, May 2016.
R. Valentini, M. Levorato, F. Santucci, “Aging Aware Random Channel Access for Battery-Powered Wireless Networks“, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 176-179, April 2016.
R. Congiu, H. Shokri-Ghadikolaei, C. Fischione and F. Santucci, “On the Relay-Fallback Tradeoff in Millimeter Wave Wireless Systems”, (with ), in Proc. of IEEE Infocom 2016, Millimeter-wave Networking (mmNet) Workshop, S. Francisco, April 2016.
F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, F. Vatalaro, R. Giuliano, G. Ciccarella, “Coexistence of FTTC and FTTDp Network Architectures in Different VDSL2 Scenarios”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, early view May 2014, p. 12. doi:10/1002/ett.2825, issn: 2161-3915, published on line Vol. 27, Is. 2, p. 158-169, Feb. 2016
Faramondi, L., Oliva, G., Pascucci, F., Panzieri, S., Setola, R., “Critical node detection based on attacker preferences“, (2016) 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2016, art. no. 7535859, pp. 773-778.
Miciolino, E.E., Bernieri, G., Pascucci, F., Setola, R., “Communications network analysis in a SCADA system testbed under cyber-attacks“, (2016) 2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015, pp. 341-344.
De Cillis, F., Inderst, F., Pascucci, F., Setola, R., Tesei, M., Bragatto, P., “Improving the safety and the operational efficiency of emergency operators via on field situational awareness“, (2016) Chemical Engineering Transactions, pp. 331-336.
De Cillis, F., De Simio, F., Inderst, F., Faramondi, L., Pascucci, F., Setola, R., “Improving situational awareness for first responders“, (2016) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 355-361.
Heracleous, C., Miciolino, E.E., Setola, R., Pascucci, F., Eliades, D.G., Ellinas, G., Panayiotou, C.G., Polycarpou, M.M., “Critical infrastructure online fault detection: Application in water supply systems“, (2016) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 94-106.
Bernieri, G., Del Moro, F., Faramondi, L., Pascucci,F., “A Testbed for Integrated Fault Diagnosis and Cyber Security Investigation”, (2016) 3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, CoDIT‘16
Bernieri, G., Damiani, S., Del Moro, F., Faramondi, L., Pascucci,F., Tambone, F., “A Multiple-Criteria Decision Making Method as Support for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Intrusion Detection System“, (2016) 42nd Annual Industrial Electronics Conference, IECON‘16
Inderst, F., Filardo, L., Pascucci, F., C-IPS: “A Smartphone based Indoor Positioning System“, (2016) 7th International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN‘16
A.M. Vegni, and V. Loscrì, “Chirality effects on channel modeling for THz-band wireless communications in LoS/NLoS propagation,” Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier), Available online 28 September 2016, ISSN 1878-7789, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nancom.2016.07.007.
A.M. Vegni, and V. Loscrì, “Characterization and Performance Analysis of a Chiral-Metamaterial Channel with Giant Optical Activity for Terahertz Communications” Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier), Volume 9, 1 September 2016, Pages 28-35.
A.M. Vegni, and V. Loscrì, “Performance of a Chirality-affected Channel exhibiting Giant Optical Activity for Terahertz Communications,” in Proc. of 3rd ACM Intl. Conf. on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM 2016), September 28-30, 2016, New York City, New York, USA.
V. Loscrì, and A.M. Vegni, “Channel Modeling in a Phonon-based Quantum Network for Nano-communications,” in Proc. of 3rd ACM Intl. Conf. on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM 2016), September 28-30, 2016, New York City, New York, USA.
A.M. Vegni, V. Loscrì, A. Neri, and M. Leo, “A Bayesian Packet Sharing Approach for Noisy IoT Scenarios,” in Proc. of 1st Intl. Workshop on Interoperability, Integration, and Interconnection of Internet of Things Systems (I4T 2016), in conjunction with the 1st IEEE Intl. Conf. on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016), April 6-8, 2016, Berlin, Germany.
C. Razafimandimby, V. Loscrì, and A.M. Vegni, “A neural network and IoT based scheme for performance assessment in Internet of Robotic Things,” in Proc. of 1st Intl. Workshop on Interoperability, Integration, and Interconnection of Internet of Things Systems (I4T 2016), in conjunction with the 1st IEEE Intl. Conf. on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2016), April 6-8, 2016, Berlin, Germany.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, A. Neri, and A.M. Vegni, “Security Protocols for IoT Access Networks” in Security and Privacy in Internet of Things (IoTs): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations, F. Hu (Ed.), Taylor & Francis LLC, CRC Press, March 15, 2016, ISBN: 9781498723183
A.M. Vegni, and D.P. Agrawal, “Cognitive Vehicular Networks” CRC Taylor & Francis Group, February 2016, ISBN: 978-1498721912
V. Loscrì, L. Matekovits, I. Peter, and A.M. Vegni, “In-body Network Biomedical Applications: from Modeling to Experimentation,” in IEEE Transaction on Nanobioscience, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 53-61, Jan. 2016. doi: 10.1109/TNB.2016.2521386. numero
A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, “A GNSS based solution for supporting virtual block operations in train control systems”, IAIN-2015, Prague, Czech Republic;
F. Mazzenga, R. Giuliano, A. Neri, F. Rispoli, A. Ruggeri, M. Salvitti, E. Del Signore, V. Fontana, “The Adoption of Public Telecom Services for the Evolution of the ERTMS-ETCS Train Control Systems: Challenges and Opportunities”, Int. Workshop Comm. Tech. Veh. (Nets4Cars / Nets4Trains / Nets4Aircraft 2015), Sousse (Tunisia), May 2015. Published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Vol. 9066, 2015, pp 177-188;
A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, “The perspective of adopting the GNSS for the evolution of the european train control system (ERTMS): a roadmap for standardized and certifiable platform“, ION GNSS+ 2015, Tampa, FL, U.S.A;
A. Neri, S. Sabina, U. Mascia, “GNSS and odometry fusion for high integrity and high available train control systems“, ION GNSS+ 2015, Tampa, FL, U.S.A;
M. Leo, F. Battisti, M. Carli, and A. Neri, “Face retrieval in video sequences using Web images database“, Proc. SPIE 9399, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIII, 8-12 February 2015, San Francisco, California, USA.
Neri, F. Rispoli, and P. Salvatori, “An analytical assessment of a GNSS based train integrity solution in typical ERTMS level 3 scenario“, ENC 2015, Bordeaux, France;
P. Salvatori, A. Neri, C. Stallo, and F. Rispoli, “Ionospheric Incremental Delay Models in Railway Applications“, IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace, 2015, Benevento, Italy;
Neri, A., Capua, R., Salvatori, P., “High Integrity Two-tiers Augmentation Systems for Train Control Systems“, ION Pacific PNT 2015, Honolulu, April 20-23 2015;
Vegni, C., Neri, A., “GNSS Interference: Effects and Solutions“, ION Pacific PNT 2015, Honolulu, April 20-23 2015;
M. Leo, F. Battisti, M. Carli and A. Neri, “A federated architecture approach for Internet of Things security“, Proc. Euro Med Telco Conference, 12-15 November 2014, Naples, Italy.
M. Leo, F. Battisti, M. Carli, and A. Neri, “Video news face retrieval based on Web image datasets“, Proc. Euro Med Telco Conference, 12-15 November 2014, Naples, Italy.
Rispoli F., Neri A., Senesi F. “Innovative train control systems based on ERTMS and satellite-public TLC networks“, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Volume 135, 2014, Pages 51-61, 14th International Conference on Railway Engineering Design and Optimization, COMPRAIL 2014; Rome; Italy; 24 June 2014 through 26 June 2014;
Ciccarella G, Roffinella D., Vari M., Vatalaro F., “Performance Improvement and Network TCO Reduction by Optimal Deployment of Caching” Euro Med Telco Conference 2014 – 53rd FITCE International Congress
Bassi N., De Dominicis R., Vari M. “UIRNet: a new platform for integrated logistics and intermodality” International Journal of Management and Network Economics, 2014, 3.2: 95-122.)
Salvatori, P.; Neri, A.; Stallo, C.; Palma, V.; Coluccia, A.; Rispoli, F. “Augmentation and Integrity Monitoring Network and EGNOS performance comparison for train positioning” Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2014 Proceedings of the 22nd European, vol., no., pp.186,190, 1-5 Sept. 2014;
Palma, V.; Salvatori, P.; Stallo, C.; Coluccia, A.; Neri, A.; Rispoli, F., “Performance evaluation in terms of accuracy positioning of local augmentation and integrity monitoring network for railway sector” Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2014 IEEE, vol., no., pp.394, 398, 29-30 May 2014, doi: 10.1109/MetroAeroSpace.2014.6865956;
F. Battisti, M. Carli, M. Leo, and A. Neri, “
Probabilistic Person Identification in TV News Programs using Image Web Database“, Proc. SPIE International Conference on Electronic Imaging 2014: Algorithms and Systems XII, 2-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, USA.
A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, “CENELEC SIL-4 compliant approach for discriminating railway parallel tracks based on EGNOS-GALILEO receivers“, ENC-GNSS 2014, April 2014;
E. Del Signore, R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, M. Vari, F. Vatalaro, A. Neri, F. Rispoli, “On the Suitability of Public Mobile Networks for Supporting Train Control/Management Systems”, IEEE WCNC 2014;
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, P. Loreti, “Reduction of OFDM Out-of-Band Emissions with a Multi-step Active Interference Cancelation Technique”, IEEE Wir. Com. Netw. Conf. (IEEE WCNC 2014), Istanbul Turkey, Apr. 2014, p.735-740.
F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, F. Vatalaro, R. Giuliano, G. Ciccarella, “Coexistence of FTTC and FTTDp Network Architectures in Different VDSL2 Scenarios”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, Is. 6, Vol. 25, May 2014, p. 12. doi:10/1002/ett.2825, issn: 2161-3915.
R. Gaudino, R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, F. Vatalaro, L. Valcarenghi, “
Unbundling in optical access networks: Focus on hybrid fiber-VDSL and TWDM-PON”, Italian Conference on Photonics Technologies (Fotonica AEIT 2014), Naples, Italy, May 2014, p. 1 – 4, ISBN: 978-8-8872-3717-7; IEEE ISBN: 978-8-8872-3718-4
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, A. Neri, A. M. Vegni, “Security Access Protocols in IoT Networks with Heterogenous Non-IP Terminals”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2014) in Int. Works. Internet of Things – Ideas and Perspectives (IoTIP-14), Marina Del Rey, CA, USA, May 2014, p. 257 – 262.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, M. Vari, F. Vatalaro, “A Downstream Power Back-off Procedure for Mixed FTTC and FTTDp Scenarios”, IEEE Communications Letters, Is. 6, Vol. 18, Jun. 2014, p. 965 – 968.
R. Gaudino, R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, L. Valcarenghi, F. Vatalaro, “Unbundling in Current Broadband and Next-Generation Ultra-Broadband Access Networks”, Fiber and Integrated Optics, Special Issue: Optical Communications for Future Applications, Vol.33, Is. 3, Jul. 2014, p. 129–148 (Invited Paper). ISSN: 0146-8030 print / 1096-4681 online; DOI:10.1080/01468030.2014.892185
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Power Consumption Analysis and Dimensioning of UMTS-LTE with Relays”, Int. Conf. on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking (MoWNet 2014), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2014, p.110-117. [online@] ELSEVIER Procedia Computer Science, Vol.40, 2014, p.74 – 83, doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.10.033. available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050914014008
A. Ananasso, R. Giuliano, M. Vari, “The Future of Ultrabroadband Communications: a Roadmap to NGAN”, Euro Med Telco Conference 2014 (EMTC 2014), FITCE Int. Congress, Naples Italy, Nov. 2014, p.1-6.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, P. Loreti, P. Sperandio, M. Vettorello, “Proximity Emergency Wireless Networks: the PENforCEC EU Project”, Euro Med Telco Conference 2014 (EMTC 2014), FITCE Int. Congress, Naples Italy, Nov. 2014, p.1-6.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Marzovillo, M. Vari, “Visitors localization in cultural heritages for experience enhancement”, Euro Med Telco Conference 2014 (EMTC 2014), FITCE Int. Congress, Naples Italy, Nov. 2014, p.1-6.
M. Colizza, F. Santucci and M. Faccio, “DISIMAN: A Distributed SImulator for MANet in Software Defined Radio technology”, 2014 Wireless Innovation Forum – European Conference on Communication Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInn-Comm Europe 2014), 4-6 Nov. 2014, Rome.
A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, A.M. Vegni, “A Train Integrity Solution based on GNSS Double-Difference Approach”, ION GNSS+ Sept. 8-12, 2014, Tampa, USA
P. Salvatori, A. Neri, C. Stallo, V. Palma, A. Coluccia, F. Rispoli, “Augmentation and Integrity Monitoring Network and Egnos Performance Comparison for Train Positioning”, Eusipco 2014 (sottomesso, in attesa di accettazione).
A. Neri, F. Rispoli, P. Salvatori, “CENELEC SIL-4 compliant approach for discriminating railway parallel tracks based on EGNOS-GALILEO receivers”, ENC-GNSS 2014
E. Del Signore, R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, M. Vari, F. Vatalaro, A. Neri, F. Rispoli, “On the Suitability of Public Mobile Networks for Supporting Train Control/Management Systems”, IEEE WCNC 2014.
M. Leo, F. Battisti, M. Carli, A. Neri, Univ. degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy), Probabilistic person identification in TV news programs using image web database, Paper 9019-14, SPIE San Francisco, California, USA, 2-6 February 2014.
Rispoli, F.; Filip, A.; Castorina, M.; Di Mambro, G. ; Neri, A. ; Senesi, F. “Recent progress in application of GNSS and advanced communications for railway signaling”, Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA), 2013 23rd International Conference Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/RadioElek.2013.6530882 , Year: 2013 , Page(s): 13 – 22;
Neri, A.M. Vegni, and F. Rispoli, “A PVT Estimation for the ERTMS Train Control Systems in presence of Multiple Tracks” in Proc.of ION GNSS 2013, September 16-20, 2013, Nashville, TN, USA;
Neri, V. Palma, F. Rispoli, and A.M. Vegni, “Track Constrained PVT Estimation based on the Double-Difference Technique for Railway Applications” in Proc. of EUSIPCO 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Marrakech, Morocco;
Neri, C. Stallo, A. Coluccia, V. Palma, M. Ruggieri, F. Toni, P. Salvatori, F. Rispoli, “
On Board Unit Design For Train Positioning By GNSS” in Proc. of EUSIPCO 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Marrakech, Morocco;
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Consumed Power Analysis for Mobile Radio System Dimensioning”, IEEE Inter. Conf. Comm. – Selected Areas in Communications Symposium (ICC2013-SAC), Budapest, Hungary, Jun. 2013, p.3002-3006 (online p.4409 – 4413).
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, F. Vatalaro, “Application of Radio Frequency Identification for Museum Environment”, IEEE Int. Works. Enabl. Tech.: Infrastr. Collab. Enterp. (WETICE 2013), Hammamet Tunisy, Jun. 2013, p.190-195. Tech. Track: Int. Works. Collab. Preserv. Env. Cult. Her. (COPECH).
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Energy-based Deployment of Mobile Radio Systems”, presented at Associazione Gruppo nazionale Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (GTTI) annual meeting 2013, Session on Telecommunication Networks, Ancona, Italy, Jun. 2013. numero
E. Del Signore, R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Public Land Mobile Networks supporting Regional Train Management”, presented at Associazione Gruppo nazionale Telecomunicazioni e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (GTTI) annual meeting 2013, Session on Telecommunication Networks, Ancona, Italy, Jun. 2013. numero
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Sensor Networks for Remote Monitoring of Public Transport Vehicles”, IEEE Int. Wir. Com. Mob. Comp. Conf. (IWCMC 2013), Cagliari, Italy Jul. 2013, p.1241-1245.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, M. Vari, “Indoor Localization System for First Responders in Emergency Scenario”, IEEE Int. Wir. Com. Mob. Comp. Conf. (IWCMC 2013), Cagliari, Italy Jul. 2013, p.1821-1826.
R. Giuliano, F. Mazzenga, M. Petracca, “Energy Efficient Planning of Cellular Radio Networks”, IEEE Tyrrhenian International Workshop 2013 on Digital Communications: Green ICT (TIWDC 2013), Genoa, Italy, Sep. 2013, p.1-5.
A. Neri, A.M. Vegni, and F. Rispoli, “A PVT Estimation for the ERTMS Train Control Systems in presence of Multiple Tracks,” in Proc. of ION GNSS 2013, September 16-20, 2013, Nashville, TN, USA.
A. Neri, V. Palma, F. Rispoli, and A.M. Vegni, “Track Constrained PVT Estimation based on the Double-Difference Technique for Railway Applications,” in Proc. of EUSIPCO 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Marrakech, Morocco.
C. Vegni, A. Caporale, and A.M. Vegni, “Design of Miniaturized Radiating Systems for GNSS Applications in Interference Conditions,” in Proc. of 21st IEEE Intl. Conf. on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECOM), October 14-16, 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
A. Neri, C. Stallo, A. Coluccia, V. Palma, M. Ruggieri, F. Toni, P. Salvatori, F. Rispoli, ‘’On Board Unit Design for Train Positioning by GNSS’’, 21th European Signal processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013), 9-13 September 2013.
F. Rispoli, A. Filip, M. Castorina, G.Di Mambro, A. Neri, F. Senesi, “Recent progress in application of GNSS and advanced communications for railway signaling,” Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA), 2013 23rd International Conference, vol., no., pp.13,22, 16-17 April 2013
A. Neri, A. Filip, F. Rispoli, and A.M. Vegni, “An Analytical Evaluation for Hazardous Failure Rate in a Satellite-based Train Positioning System with reference to the ERTMS Train Control Systems,” inProc. of ION GNSS 2012, September 17-21, 2012, Nashville, TN, USA.
Giuliano, R.; Mazzenga, F.; Neri, A.; Vegni, A.M.; Valletta, D., “Security implementation in heterogeneous networks with long delay channel,” Satellite Telecommunications (ESTEL), 2012 IEEE First AESS European Conference on, pp.1,6, 2-5 Oct. 2012, doi: 10.1109/ESTEL.2012.6400176.
Rigazzi, G.; Palma, V.; Tarnea, G.; Santucci, F.; Neri, A., “A cross-layer routing protocol with Quality of service support for flexible deployment in MANETs,” Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2012 IEEE , vol., no., pp.508,512, 3-7 Dec. 2012, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2012.6477625
Armani, C., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Neri, A. (2012). Cognitive multi-mode and multi-standard base stations: architecture and system analysis. Wir. Innov. Forum Eur. Conf. Com. Tech. Soft. Def. Rad. (SDR’12-WInnComm-Europe 2012), , 111-118
Dalmasso, I., Galletti, I., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2012).
WiMAX Networks for Emergency Management Based on UAVs.
IEEE – AESS Conf. Eur. Space Sat. Telecom. (IEEE ESTEL 2012)
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Vari, M. (2012).
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Diversity for Future Wireless Systems – Planning of OFDM/OFDMA Cellular Network.
Ch. 12., Ed. BenTham Science Publishers Ltd., ISBN 978-1-60805-188-5, , 490-534
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Neri, A., Vegni, A. M. & Valletta, D. (2012).
Security Implementation in Heterogeneous Networks with Long Delay Channel.
IEEE – AESS Conf. Eur. Space Sat. Telecom. (IEEE ESTEL 2012)
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M. & Pomposini, R. (2012).
Performance Evaluation of an Opportunistic Distributed Power Control Procedure for Wireless Multiple Access.
IEEE Int. Symp. Comm, Contr., Sig. Proc. (ISCCSP 2012), , 1 – 4
Giuliano, R., Neri, A. & Valletta, D. (2012).
End-to-end secure connection in heterogeneous networks for critical scenarios.
WIFS 2012
Lupi, F., Palma, V. & Vegni, A. M. (2012).
Performance Evaluation of Broadcast Data Dissemination over VANETs – A Case Study in the City of Rome.
51st FITCE Congress “Everything in the Net – IPv6 and Internet of the Future Prospects”
Petracca, M., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2012).
Application of UWB Technology for Underlay Signaling in Cognitive Radio Networks.
Journal on Recent Patents on Computer Science (CSENG), BenTham Science Publishers, Special Issue: Recent Advances in Cognitive Radio Communications, 5(2), 109 – 116
Petracca, M., Vari, M., Vatalaro, F. & Lubello, G. (2012). Performance Evaluation of GSM Robustness Against Smart Jamming Attacks. 5th IEEE International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP 2012)
Armani, C., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Neri, A., Petracca, M. & Pomposini, R. (2011).
Performance evaluation of an OSA network based on UWB underlay signalling channel. Wireless Innovation Forum European Conference on Communication Technologies and Software Defined Radio
Dalmasso, I., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2011).
Dynamic Sub-carriers Allocation for OFDMA systems based on effective SINR measurements.
IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf. spring (VTC2011)
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R. & Vatalaro, F. (2011). Opportunistic Spectrum Access based on Underlay UWB Signalling. IEEE Int. Conf. on UWB (ICUWB2011)
Mammi, E., Palma, V., Neri, A. & Carli, M. (2011). Fountain code based AL-FEC for multicast services in MANETs. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS 2011)
Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R. & Vatalaro, F. (2011).
Improving QoS of Femtocells in Multi-operator Environments. Chapter of Springer Book on “Trustworthy Internet”
Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R., Vatalaro, F. & Giuliano, R. (2011). Performance Evaluation of Spectrum Sharing Algorithms in Single and Multi Operator Scenarios. IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf. spring (VTC2011)
Palma, V., Cancellaro, M. & Neri, A. (2011).
Joint distributed source-channel coding for 3D video. Proc. SPIE International Conference on Electronic Imaging 2011, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems VII
Palma, V., Carli, M. & Neri, A. (2011).
3D scene reconstruction based on multiview distributed video coding in the Zernike domain for mobile applications.
Proc. SPIE International Conference on Electronic Imaging 2011, Multimedia on Mobile Devices
Palma, V., Mammi, E., Vegni, A. M. & Neri, A. (2011). A Fountain Codes-based Data Dissemination Technique in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. International Workshop on Seamless Connectivity in Vehicular Networks (SCVN 2011)
Petracca, M., Mazzenga, F., Pomposini, R., Vatalaro, F. & Giuliano, R. (2011).
Impact of Control Channel Design on Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Opportunistic Spectrum Access Networks.
Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio (COCORA 2011)
Petracca, M., Pomposini, R. & Vatalaro, F. (2011). Dynamic Spectrum Access Techniques for Preservation of Environment and Cultural Heritage. 20th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises
Petracca, M., Vatalaro, F., Durantini, A. & Vari, M. (2011). Outdoor Path Loss Measurements of WiMAX at 2.5 GHz in Suburban Environment. 4th IEEE IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security
Esposito, F., Vegni, A. M., Matta, I. & Neri, A. (2010).
On Modeling Speed-Based Vertical Handovers in Vehicular Networks.
IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Seamless Wireless Mobility (SWiM 2010)
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M. & Pomposini, R. (2010).
Wireless Opportunistic Network based on UWB for Preserving Environment.
IEEE Int. Works. Enabl. Tech.: Infrastr. Collab. Enterp. (WETICE 2010), Larissa, Greece
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R. & Vari, M. (2010).
An Always Available Control Channel for Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks.
3rd IEEE IFIP Wireless Days Conference, 1 – 5
Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R. & Vatalaro, F. (2010).
Impact on QoS of Femtocells Defecting from Dynamic Frequency Selection Algorithms.
21st International Tyrrhenian Workshop on Digital Communications
Mazzenga, F., Petracca, M., Pomposini, R., Vatalaro, F. & Giuliano, R. (2010).
Algorithms for Dynamic Frequency Selection for Femtocells of Different Operators. IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC 2010)
Mazzenga, F., Simonetta, A., Giuliano, R. & Vari, M. (2010).
Applications of Smart Tagged RFID Tapes for Localization Services in Historical and Cultural Heritage Environments.
IEEE Int. Works. Enabl. Tech. Infrastr. Collab. Enterp. (WETICE 2010), 186-191
Petracca, M., Pomposini, R., Mazzenga, F. & Vatalaro, F. (2010).
Which Control Channel for Cooperative Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks?.
1st Workshop of COST Action IC0902: Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Vegni, A. M. & Esposito, F. (2010). A Speed-based Vertical Handover Algorithm for VANET.
Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2010)
Vegni, A. M. & Little, T. D. (2010).
A Message Propagation Model for Hybrid Vehicular Communication Protocols.
Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (Nets4Cars 2010), in 7th IEEE International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and DSP (CSNDSP 2010)
Vegni, C., Stojkovic, I., Tosti, M. & Vegni, A. M. (2010).
Dilution of Precision Factor in Galileo and GPS MEOSAR Constellations for European Coverage.
Proc. of IEEE 20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECOM 2010)
Vegni, A. M., Vegni, C. & Little, T. D. (2010).
Opportunistic Vehicular Networks by Satellite Links for Safety Applications.
The Fully Networked Car Workshop @ Geneva International Motor Show, Geneva, Switzerland
Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Facchini, F. (2009). UWB Detect and Avoid Procedure for WiMAX victims. IET-Com.
Tamea, G., Vegni, A. M., Inzerilli, T. & Cusani, R. (2009). A Probability based Vertical Handover Approach to Prevent Ping-Pong Effect. Proc. of 6th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2009 (ISWCS 2009), 181-185
Vegni, A. M. & Esposito, F. (2009). Location Aware Mobility Assisted Services for Heterogeneous Wireless Technologies. Proc. of IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop on Wireless Sensing, Local Positioning, and RFID (MTT-S IMWS 2009), CD-ROM, 4
Vegni, A. M., Tamea, G., Inzerilli, T. & Cusani, R. (2009). A Combined Vertical Handover Decision Metric for QoS Enhancement in Next Generation Networks. Proc. of 5th IEEE Int. Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2009), Marrakech, Morocco, 233-238
Detti, A., Loreti, P. & Pomposini, R. (2008). On the Performance Anomaly in WiMAX networks. Wiley Journal on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Inzerilli, T. & Vegni, A. M. (2008). A reactive vertical handover approach for WiFi-UMTS dual-mode terminals. Proc. of 12th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2008), Vilamoura, Portugal, CD-ROM, 4
Inzerilli, T., Vegni, A. M., Neri, A. & Cusani, R. (2008).
A Location-based Vertical Handover algorithm for limitation of the ping-pong effect. Proc. of 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2008), 385-389
Ananasso, F., Civardi, A., Durantini, A., Petracca, M. & Vatalaro, F. (2008). Integration of Broadband Wireless Technologies and PMR Systems for Professional Communications. IARIA International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2008), Gosier, Guadeloupe
Ananasso, F., Durantini, A. & Petracca, M. (2008). Experimental Evaluation of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Performances at 2.5 GHz Band. IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2008), Crete Island, Greece
Durantini, A. & Petracca, M. (2008a). Performance Comparison of Vertical Handover Strategies for PSDR Heterogeneous Network. IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine special issue on “Wireless Technologies Advances for Emergency and Rural Communications”, 15(3), 54-59
Durantini, A. & Petracca, M. (2008b).
Test of 2.5 Ghz WiMAX Performances for Business and SOHO in a Multi-service Environment.
IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2008), Cannes, France
Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2008).Impact of detect and avoid in UWB regulation process.
IEEE Int. Conf. Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB 2008), Hannover, Germany, 3, 67-70
Cassioli, D., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2007).
Analysis of UWB System Capacity in a Realistic Multipath Environment with Coexistence Constraints. IET-Com., Vol.1, No.3, p.391-397
Civardi, A., Donnini, E., Durantini, A. & Petracca, M. (2007). PSDR Mobile Integration Solution.
IEEE Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications Conferecnce (WRECOM 2007), Rome, Italy
Detti, A., Pomposini, R. & Zanetti, R. (2007).
A cross layer version of OBAMP based on a proactive routing: description and MANET test-bed.
IEEE Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications (WRECOM 2007) Conference. Roma (Italy)
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2007).
UWB Interference Mitigation Techniques in a Cooperative Scenario. IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC2007), Athens Greece, , 1-5.
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Valente, D. (2007). Analysis of UWB vs WiMAX Interference for Detect and Avoid Procedures. IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC2007), Athens Greece, , 1-5
Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2007). Throughput Degradation of UWB Networks using Detect and Avoid Procedures. IEEE Wirel. Rural Emerg. Comm. Conf. (WRECOM2007), Rome Italy (invited paper)
Leo, M., Vegni, A. M., Inzerilli, T. & Bosco, P. G. (2007). Extended UPnP architecture for emergency applications. Proc. of Wireless Rural and Emergency Communications (WRECOM 2007), CD-ROM no. of pages: 4, Rome, Italy
Mazzenga, F., Giuliano, R., Benedé, I. A. & Pablo, J. H. (2007).
Performance of Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Detect And Avoid Procedures for UWB.
IST Mob. Wirel. Comm. (ISTMWC2007), Budapest, Hungary, p.1-5
Neri, A., Vegni, A. M. & Nepi, A. D. (2007).
DoA versus ToA based localization services in IEEE 802.11 networks Proc. of 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2007), CD-ROM no. of pages: 4
Neri, A., Vegni, A. M., Carli, M. & Ragosa, G. (2007).
QoS-based vertical handoff in heterogeneous networks. Proc. of 10th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2007), CD-ROM no. of pages: 4
Vegni, A. M. & Nepi, A. D. (2007). Localization on IEEE 802.11 Networks. Riunione Annuale 2007 del Gruppo nazionale Telecomunicazioni e Teoria dell’Informazione (GTTI), Rome, Italy
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2006a).
Throughput Assessment for DS and TH UWB Systems in Multipath Environment. IEEE Int. Symp. Wirel. Comm. Sys. (ISWCS2006), Valencia Spain, p. 438 – 442.
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2006b).
Rake performance for DS and TH based UWB system in a multipath channel. Int. Mob. Multim. Comm. Conf. (MobiMedia2006), Alghero (SS), Italy
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Hernandez, J. (2006).
UWB interference mitigation technique on UMTS terminal in non-cooperative scenario. Int. Mob. Multim. Comm. Conf. (MobiMedia2006), Alghero (SS), Italy
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F. & Vatalaro, F. (2006). Performance Evaluation of Detect and Avoid Procedures for Improving UWB Coexistence with UMTS and WiMAX systems. IEEE Int. Conf. on UWB (ICUWB2006), Waltham, MA, USA, p.501-506 (invited paper)
Durantini, A., Giuliano, R., Mazzenga, F., Hernandez, J. & Villarroya, M. B. (2006).
Detect and Avoid Procedure for UWB Interference Mitigation on Narrowband Systems. IEEE Int. Symp. Wirel. Comm. Sys. (ISWCS2006), Valencia Spain, p. 428 – 432
Durantini, A., Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2006).
Capacity Evaluation Of UWB System In Indoor Environment. IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC2006), Helsinki Finland, p.1-5
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2006).
Capacity Analysis for UWB Systems with Power Controlled Terminals under Power and Coexistence Constraints.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Comm., Vol.5, No.11, pp.3316-3328
Mazzenga, F., Giuliano, R. & Guidoni, G. (2006a).
On the interference of Ultra Wideband Devices on Fixed Wireless Systems in a distributed scenario.
Int. Mob. Multim. Comm. Conf. (MobiMedia2006), Alghero (SS), Italy
Mazzenga, F., Giuliano, R. & Guidoni, G. (2006b).
Coexistence between Ultra Wideband Devices and Fixed Wireless Systems in a distributed scenario. IEEE Int. Symp. Wirel. Comm. Sys. (ISWCS2006), Valencia Spain, p. 781-785
Mazzenga, F., Vari, M. & Al. (2006a). Performance Evaluation of Indoor Localization Techniques Based on RF Power Measurements from Active or Passive Devices. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing Volume 2006.
Mazzenga, F., Vari, M. & Al. (2006b).
Path Loss Models for IEEE 802.11a Wireless Local Area Network. ISWCS 2006
Politano, C., Hirt, W., Rinaldi, N., Drakul, G., Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2006).
“UWB Communication Systems – A Comprehensive Overview,” Chap. 7. – Regulation and Standardization. Ed. EURASIP Book Series on Sign. Proc. & Comm., Volume 5, ISBN 977-5945-10-0, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, p.447-492 numero
Pomposini, R., Detti, A. & Loreti, C. (2006).
Overlay Borůvka based Ad-hoc Multicast Protocol – Demonstration. IFIP MEDHOCNET 2006. Lipari (Italy).
Cassioli, D., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2005).
Performance Evaluation of High Data Rate UWB Systems based on IEEE 802.15.3. IEEE Int. Conf. on UWB (ICUWB2005), Zurich Swiss, Page(s):678 – 683
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2005a).
Performance of UWB Sensor Networks based on Aloha Multiple Access with Mixed Packet Rates.
IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC2005), Berlin Germany, Vol.1, p.476 – 480
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2005b).
On the Coexistence of Power-Controlled Ultrawide-Band Systems with UMTS, GPS, DCS1800, and Fixed Wireless Systems.
IEEE Trans. Vehic. Tech. (TVT2005), Vol.54, No.1, p.62-81
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2005c).
Capacity Analysis of UWB Systems with Transmitter Power Constraints.
IEEE Vehic. Tech Conf. spring (VTC2005), Stockholm Sweden, Vol. 5, p.3009 – 3013
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2005d).
Performance Evaluation of UWB Sensor Network with Aloha Multiple Access Scheme.
Int. Work. Wirel. Ad-hoc Netw. (IWWAN2005), London UK
Vatalaro, F. & Vari, M. (2005). Local area radio access and its impact in the information society. Proceedings of the conference FTI – Forum for Information Technology.
Cassioli, D., Giuliano, R. & Mazzenga, F. (2004).
Capacity Analysis of UWB systems in Realistic Multipath Channels. Wirel. Pers. Multim. Comm. (WPMC2004), Abano Terme (PD), Italy, Vol. 1, p.251 – 255 (invited paper)
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2004a).
Semi Analytic Calculation of Ultra Wide Band System Outage Probability.
IEEE Veh. Tech. Conf. spring (VTC2004), Milan Italy, vol. 4, p. 2215 – 2218
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2004b).
Analysis of UWB effects on Existing Narrowband Systems.
Wirel. Pers. Multim. Comm. (WPMC2004), Abano Terme (PD), Italy, Vol. 1, p. 241 – 245 (invited paper)
Mazzenga, F. & Giuliano, R. (2004c).
Capacity analysis for a power controlled UWB indoor system.
IEEE Pers., Ind. Mob. Radio Comm. (PIMRC2004), Barcelona Spain, vol.1, p. 724-728
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Claudio Becchetti and Alessandro Neri, Medical Instrument Design and Development: From Requirements to Market Placements, Wiley, Jul 22, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-119-95240-4
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