

The EMERGE project – Light Commercial Vehicles with Emerging Technologies for “everyday” and “emergency aid” operations – aims to design and develop an innovative platform capable of enabling applications and services related to a modern connected driving system and autonomous Connected – Intelligent Transportation System, C-ITS.

The EMERGE project has allowed the launch of other complementary projects centered in the Abruzzo Region with additional international and national funding, creating an innovative and unique eco-system in Europe, focused on new technologies of the connected car.

In particular, the EMERGE project is creating the technological platforms capable of providing:
i) positioning of the vehicle with a high level of accuracy and integrity through innovative techniques for merging information and measurements from multi-constellation GNSS satellite systems and inertial sensors, RADAR / LIDAR and video cameras,
ii) vehicle-to-vehicle connectivity and vehicle infrastructure (V2X) based on multiple access networks including satellite ones,
iii) a system of countermeasures to ensure high resilience to possible attacks and intrusions through a detailed analysis of vulnerability scenarios and the development of advanced encryption, authentication, and intrusion detection solutions using a secure-by-design approach.
The technological solutions will also be validated through the definition of realistic application scenarios of dynamic and collaborative driving both for logistic and emergency transport with the definition of back-end architecture and the development of innovative algorithms based on temporal logic and machine learning.
The on-board unit positioning algorithms are an innovative and original element in research not only nationally but also worldwide since they aim to provide a position of the mobile vehicle with high accuracy, but above all according to the required integrity requirements. from the highest levels of autonomy for self-driving cars.

They allow you to create a “safe” geo-localization of the car using the new dual-frequency services offered by GALILEO, whose control center is located in Abruzzo, and additional sensors such as inertial (IMU) or LIDAR. Innovative data fusion techniques such as the Unscented Kalman Filter will be used to increase the accuracy of GNSS localization in urban and suburban areas and aim at the most challenging objective, which world research has set itself in this context, of satisfying the requirements of Protection Level and Safety Integrity Level to ensure higher levels of autonomy of assisted and autonomous driving. The research product related to the design and development of high accuracy and integrity algorithms is a determining element for obtaining a safe geo-localization of the mobile vehicle. With the EMERGE project, the RadioLabs Consortium will aim to carry out the research described above by experiencing what has been acquired in other challenging projects on the GNSS theme (in particular GALILEO) by collaborating with other world centers of excellence on this topic such as the GPS Lab of the University. of Stanford, the Center for Space Geodesy of the University of Nottingham, and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
The results produced with EMERGE will have important implications for the automation of autonomous driving systems in the automotive and even railway sectors. It will also help develop innovative products and services in Italy to improve safety, eco-sustainability, and dynamic and cooperative navigation of vehicular traffic in line with the national innovation policies identified by the National Transport Cluster and the Industry 4.0 program.

Funding origin: Project co-financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund – National Operational Program for Enterprises and Competitiveness 2014-2020.
Duration: January 2020 – June 2023


  1. Radiolabs (coordinatore)
  2. Università dell’Aquila
  3. Telespazio
  4. Leonardo
  5. Elital

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