
Radiolabs will coordinate the RHINOS project

     RHINOS The project was selected by the GSA (European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency) among the projects to be funded at the end of the race Horizon 2020-Galileo 2nd Call. RHINOS (Railway High Integrity Navigation Overlay System) is

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Radiolabs is partner of ERSAT EAV

Radiolabs is partner of the ERSAT EAV project, coordinated by Ansaldo STS, and selected by GSA within the Horizon 2020 – Galileo 1 tender. ERSAT EAV is the technological platform to assess the utilisation of EGNOS-GALILEO as foreseen in the

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Radiolabs has been awarded the contract VIRGILIO

The VIRGILIO project (Virtual InstRuments for GNSS AugmentatIon and LocalizatIOn) submitted by Radiolabs has won a public tender of Lazio Innova dedicated to “ Research Projects for Universities and Centers of Research – L.R. 13/2008” for private research centers. The

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3InSat: satellite railway communication

Source: The 3InSat (Train Integrated Safety Satellite System) project, co-funded as part of the ESA‘s ARTES 20 programme and guided by Ansaldo STS, has successfully completed the test phase to verify the integration of satellite technology in railway transport. During the operating

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GE interested in Italian rail company Ansaldo STS

(Reuters) – General Electric Co (GE.N) is interested in buying Italian rail technology company Ansaldo STS (STS.MI), the head of the U.S. group in Italysaid, in a further expansion of its presence in the country. GE bought the aviation business of Italy’s Avio for $4.3

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GE interested in Italian rail company Ansaldo STS

(Reuters) – General Electric Co (GE.N) is interested in buying Italian rail technology company Ansaldo STS (STS.MI), the head of the U.S. group in Italysaid, in a further expansion of its presence in the country. GE bought the aviation business of Italy’s Avio for $4.3

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