Inauguration of the new headquarters of the ExEMERGE Center of Excellence

Inaugurated the new headquarters of the University of L’Aquila inside the Abruzzo Technopole. The ceremony was attended by the rector Edoardo Alesse, the rector of the Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI) Paola Inverardi, and Carlo Presenti, head of the mission structure for the coordination of reconstruction and development processes of the areas affected by the earthquake of 6 April 2009.

The Abruzzo Technopole will host the Ex-EMERGE Center of Excellence – created by the University of L’Aquila in 2019 – to promote research and scientific training for the technologies of the connected driving cars in collaboration with RADIOLABS whose Laboratory is located within the Technopole where the EMERGE, P-CAR and SHINE-ON projects are being developed.

The new plant represents an important step in the creation of a unique context in Europe, integrated into the production facilities of the Abruzzo Region that is an ideal Hub to develop and validate satellite and ICT technologies for the new market of the autonomous vehicles. It has been conceived in the framework of an articulated technological innovation program coordinated by RADIOLABS – through the Innovation Agreement signed with MISE together with the University of L’Aquila and the industrial partners of the Abruzzo Region  – and the  projects funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI)  through the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Cybersecurity Competence Center – Cyber 4.0.

UnivAQ inaugura i suoi locali all’interno del Tecnopolo d’Abruzzo – YouTube

Foto Tecnopolo – Dropbox

Università L’Aquila, taglio del nastro nuova sede nel Tecnopolo – Abruzzo –

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

TRA, the Transport Research Arena, is the foremost European transport event that covers all transport modes and all aspects of mobility. It is the largest European research and technology conference on transport and mobility with 4000+attendees and 150+ exhibitors at

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Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

Radiolabs has participated to the Cyber 4.0 Forum that took place on 6 and 7 June at Luiss University with 23 breakout sessions, 68 speakers, and about 400 participants – representing an important event of discussion and exchange with its

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