HELMET Workshop – December 12, 2022

Enabling autonomous transport systems to GNSS satellite technology – The contribution of the HELMET project

December, 12, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. – Roma Tre University, via Vito Volterra 62, Rome

Today, more than ever, it is urgent to use intelligent, safe and sustainable transport systems that can make energy use more efficient and reduce CO2 emissions. The application of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology – a revolutionary satellite navigation system – guarantees precise and safe localization for self-driving vehicles traveling on rail and road infrastructure.
The European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and Connected and Autonomous Car Technologies (CCAM) can interface with the GNSS network to develop an increasingly sustainable and competitive system. The workshop, which will take place on Monday 12 December at Roma Tre University, represents a unique opportunity to focus on the challenges facing rail and road operators to make the most of European GNSS infrastructures, integrated with data from the EGNOS and Galileo satellite systems.
During the day, the latest results and the contribution that the HELMET (High integrity EGNSS Layer for Multimodal Eco-friendly Transportation) project, funded by EU H2020 – EUSPA and coordinated by Radiolabs, can provide, will also be illustrated.
HELMET, in fact, has created an innovative project – first in Europe – to realize an open and interoperable standard GNSS enhancement solution, suitable for ERTMS and technologies for self-driving cars.

Planned interventions:
Welcome address Anna Masutti, President RFI-Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato
Alessandro Neri, Vice Rector for Innovation and Technology Transfer of Roma
Tre University/ HELMET scientific coordinator Radiolabs
Daniel Lopour, Market Development Officer EUSPA
Fabio Senesi, Senior Manager – Head ERTMS Plan – RFI-Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato
Carlo des Dorides, former Executive Director EUSPA
Jo De Bosschere, Head of Unit ERTMS and Telematics ERA
Pierluigi Navone, Director Rail ANSFISA
Massimiliano Ciaffi, Head ERTMS on board subsystems, RFI-Gruppo Ferrovie
dello Stato
Gabriele Ridolfi, Technical Director, ERTMS User Group
Benedetto Carambia, Head of R&D and Innovation – Movyon Gruppo Autostrade
per l’Italia
Luigi Carrarini, Project manager Smart Road – ANAS-Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato
Alberto Tuozzi, Head of EU and EU Member States Relations Unit ASI
Arianna Persia, HELMET project manager, Radiolabs
Ales Filip, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
Roberto Capua, SOGEI
Omar Garcia Crespillo, DLR, Germany
Anja Grosch, DLR, Germany
Sandro Chiocchio, Radiolabs
Sam Pullen, University of Stanford, USA
Francesco Rispoli Director General Radiolabs

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Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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