Green Light to EMERGE

Press release

L’Aquila,  April 9th 2018

Innovation Agreement signed with Ministry of Economical Development and Region Abruzzo, first tests with GALILEO and 5G at l’Aquila.

Radiolabs will coordinate the project EMERGE with Leonardo, Telespazio, Elital and University of l’Aquila as partners with the ambition to  develop and test innovative ITS solutions (Intelligent Transport Systems) in the Abruzzo region. In the next three years EMERGE will design, prototype and verify on field  the three core technology platforms of the connected and autonomous vehicles:  High integrity localization, V2V-  V2X – Satellite communications, Cybersecurity. These new platforms – the first ones in Europe to exploiting the geo-localization with GALILEO and 5G communications – will be developed and tested in the city of l’Aquila – one of the 5 cities already selected by Ministry of Economical Development for experimenting new applications with 5G. A full-scale test bed in urban environment is part of the mission of the Center of Excellence on the connected vehicles to be realized by the University of l’Aquila  and integrated into the EMERGE programme for promoting the research at national and international level. For the field tests DUCATO vans of FCA will be equipped to operate for daily services and to support emergencies with advanced and cooperative navigation functionalities to improve the safety and minimize the journey’s time .  EMERGE – coherently with the Italian Automotive Cluster priorities and the Industry 4.0 initiatives – is co-ordinated with the Abruzzo Automotive Cluster and FCA group industries located in the Region  and will be also favoring technological synergies for train automation and the connected car. Paola Inverardi – vice chairman of Radiolabs and Rector of the University of l’Aquila has declared: “ EMERGE that has requested two years of preparatory activities will give birth to a new research and innovation deal to exploiting new technologies with the high level of researchers and industrial excellences in the Abruzzo Region looking forward  to further strengthen co-operations with other Regions and in Europe where EMERGE has already received several manifestation of interests.”

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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