GATE4Rail project at the Space Opportunities for Climate Changes

The GATE4Rail project has been presented by Alessia Vennarini – Radiolabs project manager and consortium leader- at the Webinar on Space for Smart Mobility organized by Eurisy and dotSPACE. This event brought together research, government and industry experts to talk about their innovative solutions and funding opportunities for space applications related to climate. Theme for this month’s edition was ‘Space for Mobility’ giving the opportunity to GATE4Rail with the contribution of UNIFE – partner of the project – to highlighting the contribution of a GNSS Automated Virtualized Test Environment for Rail, targeting a zero on-site testing environment in order to reduce effort, time and energy consumption with benefits for the environment.

GATE4Rail Website

Groundstation Space

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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