First GALILEO fix for Train Control tested in Sardinia

Cagliari February 24th 2017

The testing of the ERSAT EAV system (ref.1 ) in Sardinia – the satellite technology for monitoring and safely managing rail traffic on conventional secondary, local and regional lines –  gave the opportunity to RadioLabs, partner of ERSAT EAV,  to make the first train positioning fix with GALILEO. The multi-constellation localization system developed by  RadioLabs team, processes  GPS and GALILEO  signals to estimate the position of the train when constrained on the railway-track. Even with few operational GALILEO satellites in view, it has been possible to improve the performance of the GPS-only solution. These tests have validated the smart solution developed by RadioLabs (ref.2) – the first step  for operating in all multi-constellation environments.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

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