Cyber-secure Vehicle’s positioning with post Quantum & Blockchain technology

Green light to the CYBORG project

Vehicle’s Positioning with high accuracy, integrity shall be cyber-secure by design to allow multi-sensors fusion to correctly perceive the surrounding environment and to position the vehicle respect to obstacles along the roads. The CYBORG project – CYbersecure Block-chain based in-vehicle cOmmunications towaRd post quantum cryptoGraphy – aims at securing heterogeneous information flows from on-board systems and external sources for the fail-operational and cyber-secure accurate positioning application of the automatic driving system.

Novelties of CYBORG are its capability to record data exchanges between individual control units and on-board systems via blockchain, relying on certified information over time. Furthermore, CYBORG will advance the Crypto Engine technology developed with the Shine-On project towards post-quantum cryptography to ensuring the highest levels of protection and to contribute to the future standard within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

The results of CYBORG will be exploited for the car automatic drive and the smart roads sectors and also for the contiguous sectors of rail and maritime that are introducing autonomous driving capabilities. CYBORG is co-funded by the Cyber 4.0 Association and is managed by Radiolabs with Drivesec as partner and with the contribution from the University of L’Aquila.

Radiolabs is a member of National Transport Cluster LINK, Abruzzo Automotive Innovation Pole LINK and ICT Aerospazio Abruzzo LINK.

Making Innovation through Scientific Excellence

Four members of the RadioLabs Board of Directors named for the World’s Best Scientists Radiolabs, a non-profit public-private consortium, has created over the years a research and talent team to translate innovation into commercialization by leveraging the collaboration between the

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