

Customer: European Community (7th Framework Program)
Duration: January 2007 – June 2010

The Project

[cml_media_alt id='898']logo_jeopard[/cml_media_alt]The Project JEOPARD will develop an interface for software deployment, which will be independent from the platform for complex multicore systems, including SMP (symmetric multiprocessing). The interface will be based on existing Java technologies, the specifications for Real-Time Java (JSR 1 JSR and 2) and Safety-Critical Java (JSR 302), which, while providing a good basis for developing real time, complex and safe systems, currently do not provide adequate support for multicore systems. Some of these technologies can not support more than a single processor, making it impossible to develop scalable applications, depending on the number of processors available on current multicore systems and on next generation systems.

The Consortium JEOPARD deals with all the protocol layers of an integrated muticore system. At the level of the processor, the activity of study and research is oriented towards SMP virtualized architectures and NUMA (non uniform memory access) advanced architectures. At the level of operating system (OS), the functionality of OS scheduling, together with the low level APIs and the OS for the virtual machine, will be deployed. Regarding the Java virtual machine, an extenstion of the Java real-time implementation, able to support the predictable execution of all Java operations, in order to enable the execution on multiple parallel processors, the real -time memory management, the support for efficient synchronization and compilation mechanisms for parallel systems, will be deployed. In terms of API layer, it will be implemented an interface able to control and make an efficient use of the available processor resources. Then, tools for static analysis of parallel applications, able to detect real-time errors, will be developed. The project foresees a direct involvement of end users to validate the platform, and an intensive cooperation with the standardization authorities, in order to define a POSIX-like standard for multicore systems, at both OS and Java levels.

Radiolabs activities

As end user of the developed platform, Radiolabs deals with the definition of requisites, and with specific experimental procedures for the verification and validation of the tools and software components deployed during the Project.

The main objective is to assess the impact of technology, by developing applications for self-configuring radio-communication systems, and by estimating the performances performance of the JEOPARD platform in terms of flexibility and adaptivity to rapidly changing techniques of channel coding and modulation.

The Partners

The Partners of JEOPARD are:

  • X/Open Company Limited (TOG) – United Kingdom
  • Allerton Interworks Computer Automation Systems GmbH (AICAS) – Germany
  • Forschungszentrum Informatik An Der Universitaet Karlsruhe (FZI) – Germany
  • Sysgo SAS (Sysgo) – France
  • Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca (TUCN) – Romania
  • University of York (UoY) – United Kingdom
  • EADS Deutschland GmbH (EADS) – Germany
  • Technische Universitaet Wien (TUV) – Austria
  • RadioLabs (RL) – Italy
  • Skysoft Portugal – Software e Tecnologias de Informacao, S.A. (SkS) – Portugal

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