

Customer: European Community – 5th Framework Program
Duration: 2002-2004

The Project

[cml_media_alt id='842']fifth_logo[/cml_media_alt]The FIFTH Project started on September, 2002, and had a time-span of 16 months. The objective of the project is the provision of mobile services with guaranteed quality of service to passengers in a high speed train. The train is connected to the outside world through a geostationary satellite network, and through wireless local area networks for those places where the satellite connection is unavailable (e.g., tunnels, stations). Users can access the provided services services by means of a wireless connection, such as 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and/or Bluetooth. Services include Internet access, access to specific train services (e.g., schedules, reservations), access to audio and video distribution (e.g., music, TV, Entertainment), and access to services with specific performance requirements (e.g., bank and stock exchange, shopping).

RadioLabs activities

In the FIFTH Project Radiolabs played the role of:

  • Studying and defining Quality of Service metrics, optimized for wireless networks;
  • Designing ad-hoc routing algorithms;
  • Defining strategies for access control and mobility management;
  • Analyzing Quality of Service requirements for “Content Delivery Networks”.

The Partners

The Partners of FIFTH Project are:

S5LECT – 5G & Satcom per le Ferrovie

Radiolabs è partner di S5LECT – SatCom and 5G Link Edge, Cyber telecommunication – il nuovo progetto selezionato da EUSPA per favorire le potenzialità derivanti dall’ibridazione di reti di comunicazione terrestri e satellitari per applicazioni ferroviarie critiche. Il progetto –

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Origine finanziamento: Cyber 4.0 Durata:  Giugno 2022 – Maggio 2024 Il progetto SHINE-ON (Secured HIgh accuracy localizatioN Equipment for autO motive applicatioNs) intende sviluppare una centralina (ECU, Electronic Controller Unit) innovativa che consenta di aumentare l’accuratezza della localizzazione del veicolo, fondamentale per

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Origine finanziamento: EUSPA Durata:  Giugno 2021 – Dicembre 2023 L’obiettivo del progetto GALITS (GAlileo Localization In Train Signalling) è quello di sviluppare un ricevitore e un’antenna GNSS innovativi e personalizzabili, adatti per applicazioni ferroviarie legate alla sicurezza. Questo progetto, ottimizzato per offrire

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