Customer: Selex-Communications S.p.A.
Duration: July 2006 – June 2008

The Project

This activity falls within the context of the study, definition and design of new protocols for creating and managing ad-hoc or mesh mobile networks based on WiMAX standard (with reference to: 802.16e 2005).


Fig.1 – Tactical environment scenario


Fig.2 – Civil environment scenario

 RadioLabs activities

Provider responsible for the following activities:

  • Study, definition and design of a new protocol for the implementation of a MESH network, using the same protocol stack employed in WiMAX and compliant to the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standard.
  • Design and development of a radio system simulator for monitoring and evaluating the functionalities, effectiveness and validity of the algorithms proposed for the Mesh WiMAX radio control.
  • Design and development of a protocol simulator for analyzing and verifying the functionalities of the MAC level of all the procedures. Moreover, also the modality of message exchange between the various protocol layers of the WiMN nodes composing the network, even under conditions of mobility of the nodes, is investigated.