

Customer: European Community (7th Framework Program) – Selex-Elsag S.p.A.
Duration: September 2009 – September 2013

The Project

The objective of the SANDRA Project is to plan, realize and validate with flight tests an integrated aeronautical communication system, based on an on an open architecture, a common set of interfaces, and consolidated industry standards.

The integration is performed at four different levels:

  • at service level, by supporting a complete range of services, like those for the operational management of airlines, the operational management of aircrew, for passenger services both at ground and in air, for the operational management of the airport, for security services and for the management of air traffic, through an architectural approach oriented to services.
  • at network level, having with aim the realization o fan aeronautical network IPv6, compatible with existing aeronautical network technologies like ACARS and ATN/OSI, which should guarantee a realistic transaction from the actual processes to the new system.
  • at the level of existing radio technologies, having as objective their integration into a unique integrated modular radio (IMP) platform, thus allowing to dramatically reduce the dimensions, the weight and the cost of the aeronautical electronics with respect to the currently existing stand-alone radio systems. The modular approach will also grant the opportunity to dynamically reconfigure each element of the radio, in order to operate a specific type of radio link.
  • at the antenna and RF level, by means of a prototype of a low-profile satellite antenna, which should allow a broadband and reliable connectivity, specifically built for bandwidth demanding passengers and for use in cabins.

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Radiolabs activities

Radiolabs is responsible for the following activities:

  • Surface channel Model, and propagation analysis in airport areas.
  • RF planning for a AeroMACS network in typical airport areas.
  • Analysis of the capacity of WiMAX/AeroMACS networks.

The Partners

The main partners in SANDRA are:

  • Selex Elsag S.p.A. (IT)
  • Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DE)
  • SELEX Sistemi Integrati S.p.A. (IT)
  • Thales Alenia Space (FR)
  • Thales Aerospace UK (UK)
  • Thales Avionics (FR)
  • Thales TRT-UK (UK)
  • Airtel ATN (IE)
  • Acreo (SE)
  • Alenia Aeronautica (IT)
  • Altys (FR)
  • Bradford University (UK)
  • Cyner (NL)
  • Dassault Aviation (FR)
  • Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DE)

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