High Integrity GNSS: from aviation a contribution towards a standard for railways applications
Toulouse (France) 5 April 2017
The RHINOS project (www.rhinos-h2020.eu) has been invited at the Working-Group C – Service Evolution Subgroup meeting in Toulouse on April 5th. Daniel Lopour from GSA introduced the rail projects and Anja Grosch, from DLR -partner of the project, presented the latest RHINOS’s achievements on behalf of the project team lead by Radiolabs and with the contribution of Ilaria Martini, Omar Garcia Crespillo, Per K. Enge, Alessandro Neri, Aleš Filip, Sam Pullen and Simon Roberts. RHINOS represents the first international platform involving EU/US stakeholders in collaboration on a standard GNSS architecture for the adoption of the “Virtual Balise” functionality on the ERTMS application. The ARAIM WG have expressed a huge interest in the GNSS High Integrity topic for rail and agreed on future updates from the project side. The main topics are the multipath modelling on railways environment and the adaptation of ARAIM algorithms, developed for the aviation application, to fulfill strict ERTMS requirements.