The Consortium

Radiolabs - University Industry Consortium

Radio communications laboratories

RadioLabs, standing for “Consortium Universities-Companies – RadioCommunication Laboratories”, is a not-profit Research Organization established in 2001. Its headquarters are located in Rome, Italy. RadioLabs currently includes three academic partners – University of Rome “Tor Vergata”“University of Roma Tre”“University of L’Aquila” – and three industrial partners – Hitachi Rail STS S.p.A. , WESTPOLE S.p.A. and Intecs Solution S.p.A..

RadioLabs mission is to contribute on Applied Research, Innovation, and Knowledge Transfer in the emerging fields of ICT and relevant applications. More specifically, its main skills are in the areas of telecommunications, including wireless, satellites, railways communications and navigations, Internet systems and services, and new media technologies. Main areas of interest include: new wireless technologies, ambient intelligence, infomobility and context based services.

Thanks to the close relationship between University and Industry partners strongly committed to research and innovation, RadioLabs represents one rare experience of a joint team able to gather a wide range of high level and complementary research expertise that produce studies design development of prototypes and patents. Just to mention a few of the latest research activities on wireless systems, RadioLabs is involved on channel modeling, on theoretical analysis and performance improvement of modulation schemes (e.g., OFDM), and on the coexistence and interference of wireless access systems (e.g. UWB with WiMAX/IEEE802.16-based systems, Point-to-Point and UMTS). Regarding industrial developments, RadioLabs designed new protocols for mobile ad hoc WiMAX-based networks (WiMAX Mesh Networks project, 2007-2008) and now is involved in developing of Software Defined Radio platforms for the integration of wireless systems based on different standards (Stanag 4285, MIL-STD 188-110/B). RadioLabs is also involved in development, implementation and test of Waveforms according to SCA (Software Communication Architecture) methodologies for radio programmable platform in HF, VHF e UHF bands.
The Consortium participated to the development of a mobile terminal to guarantee cross heterogeneous wireless network (Wi-Fi – UMTS) and in co-operation with RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana), worked on the possibility to extend GPS and GALILEO  coverage in tunnels for the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS). The Consortium also studied the service architecture to provide time information from GALILEO satellites.

RadioLabs best-practice approach is based on continuously gaining experience through participation in a number of innovative National and European projects – was involved in European Framework Programs 5, 6, 7 and now in H2020.

RadioLabs trains high level technical personnel, assists young researchers with grants and any other applicable support to their research activities, provides support to PhD activities of the partner Universities, and promotes the dissemination of results through conferences, workshops and specialized publications.


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