
HELMET Project

HELMET aims at the development of innovative EGNSS based applications for the most impacting eco-friendly and green TRANSPORTATIONS MEANS as automated and driverless CARS, connected CARS, TRAINS (mostly signaling and control systems), and […]

GATE4Rail presentation

This video highlights the main objectives, challenges, and achievements of the GATE4Rail project.

Carlo des Dorides – RHINOS workshop

Introduction Carlo des Dorides from European GNSS Agency at the workshop at Stanford University of the H2020 RHINOS Project.

RHINOS Workshop at Stanford University

Introduction by the European Union Agency for Railways Executive Director, Josef Doppelbauer at the RHINOS workshop.

ERSAT EAV – Sardinian Testbed

The tests of the ERSAT EAV project has been concluded in Sardinia with the test trip between Cagliari and Decimomannu (Cagliari – San Gavino line). ERSAT EAV, the first […]

IGAW 2017- GNSS in future transport and RHINOS

IGAW 2017 (International GNSS Advances Workshop) is  dedicated to  the evolution of satellite navigation technology   and the new opportunities provided  by the availability of multiple constellations (GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, […]

IGAW 2016 – International GNSS Advances Workshop

The IGAW 2016 (International GNSS Advances Workshop) is an event dedicated to the study of the evolution of satellite navigation technology in light of the opportunities opened by the […]

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