Radiolabs leading a study on emerging telecom bearers for railways

The AB4Rail “Study on alternative bearers and on communication protocols” project proposal by Radiolabs Consortium has been granted by the Shift2Rail Programme (projects.shift2rail).

The kick-off took place on February 4th with representatives from ERA, Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, and the X2Rail project.

The objectives or AB4Rail are twofold:  assessment of new telecom bearers and study of communication protocols suitable for the new FRMCS standard – the evolution of the GSM-R. The first task consists of reviewing the most promising alternative bearers to be selected for the Adaptable Communication System (ACS) technical demonstrator TD 2.1 of Shift2Rail. The second task is dedicated to the study on the optimal/best usage of the current and future communication protocols at application and transport layers for the ACS architecture.

AB4Rail is a strategic project to introduce innovative telecom bearers in the rail ecosystem such as Low Earth Orbit satellites, Optical communications, and High Altitude Platforms. The work plan and results are shared with the Shift2Rail  X2Rail-5 team.

Partners: Radiolabs, Guglielmo Marconi University, Roma Tre University, Tor Vergata University.

Radiolabs at TRA 2024

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Radiolabs at the Cyber 4.0 Forum

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