

Customer: EU H2020

Duration: February 2016 – November 2018

Satellite Technology for Advanced Railway Signalling
The aim of this project is to fill the gap between ERTMS needs for safety critical applications and EGNSS services, through a characterization of the railway environment and of GNSS performances assessment in that environment. The application of GNSS in […]

26 March 2016|Categories: Projects|Tags: |


Virtual InstRuments for GNSS augmentatIon and LocalizatIOn
Customer: Lazio Region

Duration: September 2015 – May 2018

VIRGILIO is the latest simulation tool for high integrity GNSS applications in the land transportation domain.

Developed in Matlab®
Object Oriented
Able to manage GPS (L1) and Galileo (E1)
Distributed Architecture (one virtual machine for each functional […]

14 March 2016|Categories: Projects|Tags: , , |


Customer: ESA

Duration: June 2015 – September 2016

The objective of the Feasibility Study is to determine the technical feasibility and economic viability of an integrated satellite navigation and satellite communication solution complementing the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS).

Space Based Services for Railway Signalling (SBS-RailS) has the scope to analyse a solution […]

12 March 2016|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||



Customer: ESA ARTES 20

Duration: March 2013 – July 2015

3InSat is a project aiming at developing and validating a new satellite-based platform to be integrated into a SIL4 Train Control and Management System. This project is based on the ERTMS-ETCS Lev.2 platform and it addresses the specific developments in the satellite […]

11 March 2016|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||


Customer: EU FP7 security

Duration: January 2013 – December 2015

Demining tool-BOX for humanitarian clearing of large scale areas from anti-personnel landmines and cluster munitions.
D-BOX tackles the burning issue of anti-personal landmines and cluster munitions remaining from armed conflicts. It will provide Demining stakeholders with innovative, “easy to use” and low […]

10 March 2016|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||


RAMPS (Railway Augmented Multisensor Positioning System) is a research project that aims to demonstrate how satellite navigation could be used as part of the management and control systems of high-speed railway traffic, improving the level of safety and efficiency of this rail service in the operational phase called Start […]

29 March 2015|Categories: Projects, Companies Projects ||

FACIES : Online identification of Failure and Attack on interdependent Critical InfrastructurES

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06 June 2014|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||


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06 June 2014|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||

SAFEDEM Demonstration Project

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06 June 2014|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||


Customer: European Community - 6 Framework Program. Duration: 2004-2006
05 June 2014|Categories: Projects, Projects EU||